Hi Simon, you can adjust me anytime baby
That was an interesting 'armies' quote- nicely slipped into the situation- the writing dept could do with you.
I remember being told that the mount is only 70 feet high and the plain too small for the battle; they've never put in a suggestion for another venue have they?
Mulan- they've made that Babylon statement so often and it's in the literature in black and white ; you're right- they'll have to stick to that one! The likelihood of that happening is so far fetched they surely must be wondering about how they are going to make the time scale seem feasible now- I know they've moved the goal posts regarding 1914, but even they can't expect their members to keep in expectation for much longer.
Archangel,just give them enough rope...they'll not dissapoint you...
Outlaw, I expect there are alot of frightened people out there ready to take the magazines- you're right- this conflict will be a nice little earner as well as getting people in the right frame of mind for future calls and religious terror tactics.They've been swarming around my area lately, and seem to coming out of a lot of houses , not just standing at the door.
Random; let's hope that as your list grows the realisation may dawn for more people
Isp, hi- i'm fine- how's your lovely family? I think you're right regarding 911 etc- they can afford not to mention it now as they've given up on hard prophesy as Simon said and are very unwilling to commit compared to when I was studying- they just seem to play the 'no one knows' card now- but i'm sure the talks from the platform must be quite excitable at the moment.
Blondie thanks for that- who the hell is Bruce Cook and why is he talking to the papers- that's a new tactic is'nt it? I see what you mean- neutrality with an edge of politics and some personnal opinion thrown in... I can't help feeling he'll get a chat from others about that interview .
The WTBS has already stated that the seventh head is the Anglo/US dual power.They say that this alliance will continue into the time of the end- in the territories that the modern day witnesses first became established.
Bush mentioned 'peace and security' five times in his address to the world when military action began- Bush seems keen to announce that state and may actually declare peace and security when he's dealt with his next project, Israel. It would be very interesting to see as a consequence of the situation the UN is strenghtened as predicted in the revelation book . I'm just hoping they'll stick their necks out and get fired up to preach a huge campaign crying an imminant end to the world and loose face with their bible studies. Fingers crossed.